Program Design
& Organizational Support
You didn’t work this hard creating a trauma informed system or agency based on recovery principles to go anywhere else for help with program design. Holding the Hope consultants are experts in their areas of focus from many years of professional and personal experience. Working with Holding the Hope consultants to help evaluate and/or design your program can save you frustration and lost revenues and achieve a strong, successful program. Our experts will help you design policies, procedures and daily business processes that will get your new program off the ground or help an existing program reach better outcomes. Let us help you create programs that work.
Peer Support Specialist Programs
Creating, implementing and maintaining a healthy peer support program that supports, not only the people in service, but also the peers you are employing, is an art form. Our team can support you every step of the way.
- Creating the right type of peer support program for your needs
- Develop supervision protocols that avoid staff turnover & burnout
- Create an agency/system wide understanding of the role of peers
Systems of Care
Holding the Hope and MCS Research & Evaluation, have teamed up to bring customized training, consultation and specialized evaluation plans to your System of Care grant, using both quantitative and qualitative methodology. Our evaluation plans assure fidelity to the logic models and to the evidenced based treatments utilized in addressing the specific needs, and to achieve positive outcomes. Our training and consultation will help you to create sustainable methods of service delivery.
Dr. Timothy Miller, co-founder of MCS Research & Evaluation has extensive experience consulting with communities to create Systems of Care – with or without supporting grant dollars.
Peer Run Organization Development
Whether you want to focus on youth and family engagement or turn your peer run advocacy organization into a peer run licensed behavioral health service agency, we have experts have done it and can help ensure your success.
- Start up strategies.
- Getting the basics built in.
- Medicaid Reimbursement based on Recovery principles and practices.
Suicide Prevention
Knowing a few warning signs and risk factors is not enough for a community, school or workplace trying to prevent suicide. Holding the Hope will help you design a comprehensive program that includes implementation steps and skill building. Knowing the warning signs is important. Knowing what to do when you see the warning signs is critical.
- Design & implement comprehensive school strategies for suicide prevention
- Design & implement a tiered approach to workplace strategies for all personnel and especially HR personnel
- Ensure campaigns are created in compliance with safe messaging guidelines.
Holding the Hope Consultants
![Mary Jadwisiak is a Holding the Hope Consultant focused on creating and funding systems of care.](
Mary Jadwisiak
Mary Jadwisiak graduated magna cum laude from Washington State University. She is an internationally sought out consultant and trainer for her expertise in behavioral health recovery and suicide prevention.
![Leatha Gore is a Holding the Hope Consultant focused on creating and funding systems of care.](
Leatha Gore MA, MHP, CCTP
She is focused on promoting compassion fatigue and professional resiliency as well as comprehensive consultation and training to instill skills for both the front-line professional and managers of teams.
![Sharon Holmes is a Holding the Hope Consultant focused on creating and funding systems of care.](
Sharon Holmes MA
Sharon is focused on organizational consultation for implementing state-wide, regional or agency wide training campaigns. Her passion is WRAP and her expertise is implementing WRAP into an integrated health care setting.
![Stephanie Lane is a Holding the Hope Consultant focused on creating and funding systems of care.](
Stephanie Lane MSW MHP CPC
Stephanie provides consultation in creating and licensing behavioral health agencies, writing policies and procedures, training on certified peer counseling and the creation of Youth and Family Certified Peer Counseling training.
![Timothy Miller is a Holding the Hope Consultant focused on creating and funding systems of care.](
Timothy Miller PhD
Dr. Miller believes in a holistic approach to systems development and individual treatment. His work fosters empowerment and recovery for service delivery systems and the people who access care.
![Ann Rider, Consultant at Holding the Hope ready to help you.](
Ann Rider
Springing from years of practice in peer support, peer-run programs and mediation, Ann offers consultation in the role of peer support, in documentation practices to pass audit, and in organizational culture.