Mary wants to talk to you about personal risk. Taking a risk is uncomfortable and can make you feel vulnerable at times, however without any risk it is hard to grow and recover. In recovery, your community of support should be trauma informed to foster safety and trust while also promoting empowerment and collaboration. In other words, the people that love you are there for you with hope, with care, and with acceptance.
In this very special Friday Morning Live, Mary and her special guest, Sarah Jensen, discuss another aspect of dealing with trauma, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or mindfulness. DBT is a cognitive behavioral treatment that can be used to help with trauma recovery. They discuss being in the moment, finding your calm amongst the hustle and bustle of your day. Learn more with these two wonderful ladies about how to achieve mindfulness during your day.
Mary wants to discuss trauma and your pathway to healing from it. She has an important message for you, “It was never you.” Regardless of how trauma arrived in your life, it was always about the group or individual that inflicted this trauma onto you. They did this to you. Remember you are worth your recovery. Never give up- there’s more healing coming. Love more, heal more, and stay strong.
Facebook Live, July 13, 2018
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