Sep 19, 2018 | Facebook Live, Hopeful observations, videos
Mary wants you to know that you don’t have to do your recovery alone. We need people. Tune in to hear this uplifting message of hope. Recovery lives in your heart, relationships, in growth, in community, and connections with others. There are so many people that care about you. Mary discusses the power that happens when people come together on their recovery journey. Find someone to connect with in some small way!
Facebook Live, August 10, 2018
Sep 18, 2018 | Facebook Live, videos
Mary wants to talk to you about personal risk. Taking a risk is uncomfortable and can make you feel vulnerable at times, however without any risk it is hard to grow and recover. In recovery, your community of support should be trauma informed to foster safety and trust while also promoting empowerment and collaboration. In other words, the people that love you are there for you with hope, with care, and with acceptance.
Facebook Live, July 27, 2018