David Granirer is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.Keynote Speaker, David Granirer, RPC, MPCC, M.S.M. is a counselor, stand-up comic, author, and founder of Stand Up For Mental Health (SMH), a program teaching stand-up comedy to people with mental health issues. David who himself has depression, is featured in the VOICE Award winning documentary Cracking Up. He also received a Life Unlimited Award from Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, an Award of Excellence from the National Council of Behavioral Health, a Champion of Mental Health Award, and a Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada and was recognized as one of the 150 Canadian Difference Makers in mental health. He works with mental health organizations in Canada, the U.S., and Australia to train and perform with SMH groups in dozens of cities. www.standupformentalhealth.com