When It’s Time to Refer:
Suicide Prevention (3/4)

During the month of September (and a little into October), Mary expands her discussions on suicide awareness and prevention because of Suicide Awareness Week. In this four part series, she works to give you the skills needed to talk with people that are displaying symptoms of depression and suicide. Everybody has a role in suicide prevention- anyone can save a life. Take this moment of hope and share this information with others.

For the last few weeks Mary talks about the FACTS and how very important it is to CARE (Connect, Ask, Refer, and Encourage). If you haven’t had a chance to watch and learn more from the previous two suicide prevention Facebook Morning Live videos- we encourage you to when you have a chance. In this Friday Morning Live video, Mary discusses the next step in CARE: Refer.

Refer (Part 3/4)

You don’t have to do suicide prevention alone, and it’s not something that is recommended. Get help with the many, many resources available on Holding the Hope’s resource page or simply connect with a person in your area by calling the National Suicide Prevention Line. Remember to get the FACTS , CARE and, as always, keep your hope alive.

National Suicide Prevention Line

Don’t wait until the end of this series to get help or help another. Call for help and resources.

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text 741741.

Facebook Live, September 28, 2018

Agency Wide Staff Education

Agency Wide Staff Education

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Professional Development for Clinical Staff

Workplace Trauma And Professional Resiliency (1 Day)

The training is comprehensive and skill building for both the front-line professional and managers of teams. The curriculum is based on real life issues, challenges and realistic methodology that is informed by the individual. What does it take to keep you healthy in the field? How do you feed your mind, body and soul? How do you maintain your resiliency? This workshop will walk you through these questions while providing you with information through which you will gain understanding not only of the effects of our work, but insight into how it affects you personally and how to remain curious and creative on the job.

Behavioral Health Recovery; Principles and Practices

A full-day workshop providing in-depth analysis of SAMHSA’s Guiding Principles of Recovery, and how they relate to healthcare services provided for people with addiction and/or mental health challenges. The workshop discovers how to support people in their journey to wellness – physical, mental, and addiction wellness. It can happen– you can help.

Lighten up your life – Resiliency is an essential component to recovery and life!

This 1-hour workshop, designed as a lunch and learn wellness class for all employees, identifies strategies for developing a capacity to be resilient. Participants leave the workshop with practical steps they can take to develop or increase their capacity to be resilient. The skills leaned are applicable for anyone wanting to increase their power as they navigate life’s challenges.

  • Agency Development for Recovery Based Services
  • Operationalizing Peer Support
  • Creating a Trauma Informed Culture
  • Understanding Implicit Bias and Diversity For Your Workplace

Customer Service

Bringing Hope to Every Interaction

This half day workshop is designed for receptionist, front office staff, clerical workers, maintenance staff or any other non-clinical employee who encounter people experiencing mental illness or substance us disorders during the course of their jobs. This workshop is also perfect for social service providers who are not behavioral health professionals, but work with people who experience behavioral health issues.
Participants will learn:

  • The 10 critical components of recovery and how you can support them.
  • Understanding your role in the healing environment.
  • How to deal with difficult or delicate situations.
  • Tools to use daily as you go about your job.

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Sign up for our informational messages and resources.

Create Custom Programs

Holding the Hope will help you create and implement custom Peer Support, WRAP, and Suicide Prevention programs and workshops. Contact us today to see how we can help you design the most effective program for your group's specific needs.


Peer Support Continuing
Education & WRAP Courses

To View Current Continuing Education Opportunities – Please see our Events or our On Demand Training Center.

Peer Support Continuing
Education & WRAP Courses

Professional Development for Peer Support Specialists

Keys to Success: Ethics & Boundaries (1 Day)

This dynamic, interactive workshop is designed for Peer Supporters in any role. The content is largely based on the International Association of Peer Specialists document, National Ethical Guidelines and Practice Standards. Participants will come away with a clear understanding of the ethics, guidelines and boundaries that are essential to their profession.

Trauma Informed Peer Support (1 Day)

Trauma Informed Peer Support is based on the ground-breaking body of work “Engaging Women in Trauma

Informed Peer Support, A Guidebook” written by peers from their own lived experiences of trauma and recovery. The training explores the elements of safety, transparency, reciprocal and collaborative relationships, cultural considerations and personal exploration to find the meaning each of us attach to our experiences of trauma and loss. It explains how the peer relationship is key to recovery from trauma and challenges in each of us to discover our own Next Steps. The training is interactive, engaging and a critical tool for peer supporters in every setting.

Supporting Peers with Co-Occurring Disorders (1 & 2 Day Versions Available)

An interactive workshop for Peer Supporters working with people who experience co-occurring disorders – the co-existence of both mental health and substance use disorders. The class will further define COD, introduce study results, the Stages of Change, relapse prevention, and cover the SAMHSA perspective. Students will learn how to positively work with people who experience COD.

Helping Peers in Crisis- Suicide Prevention (2 Workshop Sessions)

This is a two-part workshop that builds on itself. Participants will leave the morning session with an ability to recognize if the peer they are working with is in crisis, what to do about it and how to support the peer and still stay grounded themselves. The afternoon session will be based on the morning session and will provide additional tools for identifying a person at risk of suicide and responding appropriately. Both sessions will include opportunities for practice. Each session is a 4 hour stand-alone workshop. The two sessions can be provided separately or together.

Calm in The Storm – Non-Violent De-Escalation Skills, Knowledge & Practice For Peer Supporters (1, 2 & 3 Day versions available for both Inpatient & Community Work)

The curriculum is founded upon the fundamental concepts of respect, support, prevention, and the mutual relationship. Peer Supporters will be provided with an array of effective non-violent skills that are designed to promote person-centered and recovery-based approaches. Peers will leave the workshop with skills and strategies for supporting someone whose behavior may escalate, while preserving the helping alliance.

Multicultural Recovery Institute (1 Day)

Shared decision making and cultural competence are critical skills that peer specialists need to support and honor individual preference. This one-day institute is designed to enhance cultural competencies while supporting peer counselors as they bridge multiple worlds and support diverse pathways to recovery. Peer supporters will be provided tools to honor a person’s cultural belief, values and discuss cultural aspects of health and healing.

Documentation (4 hours)

Peer Supporters must document their work, but that documentation must be done in a way that is consistent with their unique role. This workshop helps peer support workers understand requirements of Medicaid, focusing on the type of documentation most often required by Peer Supporters. Expect a simple but thorough method, with lots of practice.

Awakening Wonder – explores the role of Spirituality in the healing process. Powerful discussions help participants explore the power spirituality in any recovery journey. Participants leave with an understanding of the value of their personal healing practices and how to encourage the same in the peers they support.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®)

Helping peers create a WRAP® plan, is a skill every Peery Supporter needs in their tool box. Focused on improving one’s professional development and quality of life, Holding the Hope offers three classes for WRAP® education and facilitation. Prerequisites may be required for each of the WRAP® classes.

WRAP® Seminar 1 Training for Peer Specialists (1 Day)

An introduction to the self-designed prevention and wellness process to get well, stay well, and make life the way you want it to be. Developed in 1997 by a group of people searching to overcome mental health issues while still fulfilling life dreams and goals, WRAP® is used in all circumstances and by healthcare and mental health systems worldwide to address physical, mental health, and life issues.

WRAP® Level 2 for Facilitators (5 Days)

Designed to help people become a powerful change agent as a WRAP® Facilitator. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the recovery process and learn to:

  •  Work with people and discover how their personal strengths can be applied to enhance recovery.
  • Effectively share underlying concepts necessary for recovery – hope, personal responsibility, education, self-advocacy, and support.
  • Collaborate with individuals and groups to develop a WRAP®.
  • Teach about wellness tools and strategies.
  • Empower and motivate people to work toward recovery – accepting feelings, living an envisioned life, and meeting life goals.
  • How to use interaction, presentation styles and strategies to enhance recovery.

WRAP® Refresher (3 Days)

An interactive course co-facilitated by the Copeland Center Advanced Level Facilitators to sharpen and expand facilitation skills and further engage groups in the Wellness Recovery Action Planning. From this course, Peers will be able to:

  1. Recognize expanded options to give effective group introductions.
  2. Identify additional knowledge areas, values and ethics of WRAP®.
  3. Apply at least one new skill to sharpen and expand group facilitation skills.
  4. Develop new and creative approaches to facilitation to accommodate participant challenges and different group needs.

Join Our Newsletter

Sign up for our informational messages and resources.

Create Custom Programs

Holding the Hope will help you create and implement custom Peer Support, WRAP, and Suicide Prevention programs and workshops. Contact us today to see how we can help you design the most effective program for your group's specific needs.


Suicide Awareness and Prevention for the Workplace

The suicide of a coworker will negatively impact your entire organization and increase risk for the ones left behind. Give your employees the power of knowing the warning signs of suicide and the skills they need to act when they see them. This workshop also provides resources for local and national suicide prevention support.

Youth Suicide Prevention

After 10 years working in the suicide prevention field, Mary Jadwisiak provides a series of workshops targeted to end youth suicide. Workshops for Parents, School Staff and community members are based on the latest research and promote skill building.

30 – 90 minutes

ASIST — Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Go the next step. Take this 2-day interactive workshop to learn suicide intervention skills. This workshop is highly recommended for HR personnel or any professional working closely with the public. The curriculum prepares gatekeepers to integrate intervention principles into everyday practices. Skills and principles are illustrated by case studies presented in video and live dramatizations. Participants have multiple opportunities to practice skills in role-playing simulations and to engage in highly interactive discussions with other participants and workshop trainers. Each participant receives a Suicide Intervention Handbook CD.

Messaging Matters – Containing Contagion

How we talk about suicide matters. Knowing how to talk with media about reporting on suicide is essential to engage them in responsible reporting of prevention efforts. This workshop and keynote is based on industry standards for safely working with media.