Mar 15, 2019 | CARES Toolkit, Resiliency
Speaker: Mia Cox As a parent partner in community mental health, being a working professional and single mom, I have learned the importance of having tools to create appropriate work/life balance and maintaining wellness. In this brief introduction to Work -Life Balance and Wellness, we will explore solutions to common challenges such as; taking work […]
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Mar 15, 2019 | CARES Toolkit, Resiliency
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Mar 15, 2019 | CARES Toolkit, Resiliency
Speaker: Mary Jadwisiak The peers we work with are at increased risk of suicide. This workshop will provide you with the skills you need to identify when a person may be at risk of suicide and how to respond. You will learn how to C.A.R.E. Connect, Ask, Refer, Encourage all within the bounds of your […]
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