Beth Gould

Beth Gould is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.

Beth Handewith Gould has been working in Peer Services since 2002. She has worked as a State and National Trainer for the NAMI Peer-to-Peer Program, as National Field Manager for the NAMI Connection Support Group program and served as a Certified Peer Specialist at the Skagit County Crisis Center. She also writes and presents continuing education curriculum for Peer Counselors and is a certified WRAP trainer. As the owner of Greater Vision Life Coaching, LLC, Beth’s individual coaching sessions and group workshops offer life-changing opportunities for personal growth and development.  Beth is grateful for the wisdom and insights encountered on her recovery journey.  She is currently pursuing her Master of Divinity through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute and expects to be ordained in Spring of 2020.

Julianne Gale

Julianne Gale is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.

Julianne Gale, MA, MAT, AAC, CPC is a youth peer counselor in rural Mason County, WA. She has been involved in various types of peer-based counseling since 2010. A queer Jewish woman of color, Julianne has a passion for social and environmental justice community organizing. Since 2007, she has collaborated with organizations such as youTHink, Gender Justice LA Theatre of the Oppressed, Dignity & Power Now, Black Lives Matter LA, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Winyan Camp, Sustaining All Life, United to End Racism, A Window Between Worlds, The Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, and more.

David Granirer

David Granirer is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.Keynote Speaker, David Granirer, RPC, MPCC, M.S.M. is a counselor, stand-up comic, author, and founder of Stand Up For Mental Health (SMH), a program teaching stand-up comedy to people with mental health issues. David who himself has depression, is featured in the VOICE Award winning documentary Cracking Up. He also received a Life Unlimited Award from Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, an Award of Excellence from the National Council of Behavioral Health, a Champion of Mental Health Award, and a Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada and was recognized as one of the 150 Canadian Difference Makers in mental health. He works with mental health organizations in Canada, the U.S., and Australia to train and perform with SMH groups in dozens of cities. 

Garry Lewis

Garry Lewis is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.Garry D. Lewis considers himself a peer in recovery of Mental Health and Substance use. He has overcome his own personal challenges of Bi-Polar and Substance use by remaining positive and productive, “living life on life’s terms,” and celebrates his [almost] eight years of recovery. His wellness has led him to work in the Mental health field as Director of a Peer Run Drop-In-Center for the Spindletop Center in Beaumont, Texas. There, individuals in recovery find support, encouragement and hope. Gary is a Certified Peer Specialist (CPS), Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) facilitator, Advanced WRAP Facilitator, Recovery Coach Trainer, Co-Occurring Disorder Facilitator as well an Emotional CPR (ECPR) Apprentice. Gary advocates for himself as well as his peers and understands that recovery can help improve quality of life.

Leah Harris

Leah Harris is a Holding the Hope speaker for 2018 Webinar.Leah Harris, M.A., is a mother, advocate, and storyteller who has written and spoken widely about her lived experiences of trauma, addiction, mental health challenges, and healing/resilience. She is passionate about promoting trauma-informed approaches across systems, sectors, and communities, and is a national lead trainer in the Trauma-Informed Peer Support curriculum developed for SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma-Informed Care. She is also a suicide attempt survivor who works to help change our national approach to suicide prevention and intervention to be more trauma-responsive and informed by the lived experience of attempt and loss survivors. Leah is also devoted to sharing mind-body resilience skills and creative expressive arts, including theatre and storytelling, as vehicles for trauma resolution and personal and collective healing and empowerment. To learn more about her and her work visit